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Our Story

Building new applications to replace your mouse and keyboard. As Walt Disney said, "It's fun to do the impossible!"

Our current activity is the creation of an application that will run on Apple and Windows laptops and desktop computers to replace the traditional mouse with the movement of your hands and fingers! This technology will become essentially a new language to interact with machines and will expand to many types of appliances in our daily lives such as medical devices and controls to access many types of functions.
The first mission will be to build a 'gesture' library that contains default hand and finger gestures that command the computer as your mouse does now utilizing the Leap Motion hardware.

These applications will be released on Apple OSX and Windows platforms on the Leap Motion App Store in 4Q2013.  We will also develop a method to 'turn on' or 'turn off' sensing to mimic the mouse at rest on your desk top. There are many discrete functions that will need to be considered and tested during the initial design phase of this project.


So as an example, you could choose to use a 2 finger swipe up and down to scroll through your screen. We will provide a set of gestures as a base for you to easily control your machine and replace your mouse.
Our second mission in this project will document the design process to instruct new, creative developers how to set up and program this new technology to enlist new talent in this field.


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