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Help us add to our FAQ, ask questions leave suggestions on what Apps you want to see using this new technology! Here are a few questions to start.​


What is a gesture library?


​A gesture library is:

         -  A movement that is remembered by the software and executes a command to complete a function.
         -  A Wave that moves a screen.
         -  A Pinch of your fingers to make something zoom out on the screen.
         -  A Trigger Finger to shoot a gun in a game.

     A gesture is a movement of your hands or fingers that commands a function on your computer.


What exactly is 1/100th of a millimeter?


It is the resolution of the LEAP MOTION hardware to detect movement. It is equivalent to about 2 microns which is equivalent to how far apart the lines of your fingerprints are!  Really small. 




THINKAIR is a registered independent developer for the LEAP MOTION hardware. Our software applications will be available on the LEAP MOTION App Store, check out the LEAP MOTION web site for details.

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